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Aging in Place Liberty through Technology

Aging in Place: Liberty Through Technologyy Katie wrigastEc comPublished by MyFastPC com2600 Executive Parkway Suite 500, Lehi, Utah 840431-800-267-3694wwwmyfastpccomC 2018 MyFastPC comc nights reserved No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission frompublisher, except as permitted by Us copyright law

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he Internet of Things(IOT)What is the Internet ofThe lot is a term that hasbecome new to many inecent years At itsoption commandcreation it was a difficultigure 2 Hannah Joshua on Unsplashconcept for most peopleto understand

Today we all have experienced and either beeraround or used devices that are considered part of the lothis term refers to the interconnection of computers, the internetand software included with everyday devices that allows for theexchanging of information with devices that are connected to

ity of a device to the internetor other devices

This can range from a cell phone to watchesoffeemakers, th

Basic Explanation of the oTa concept of connectivity It is thedea of connecting any device with an on/off switch to the internetand multiple of these devices to one anotherhe devices associated with the loT are pretty extensive Forexample, cell phones, watches, lamps, coffeemakers, refrigeratorsthermostats and cars are just a few devices that have been createdwith loT capabilities

Basically, the loT is a large network of theseconnected things and the intelligent use of data collected andored by and through their relationship with the internetOne example of current loT technology is the Nest Smarthemostat The Nest smart Thermostat is a thermostat thatsconnected to the internet With smart technology, it collects dataand learns your family' s routines, adjusting the temperatureaccordingly Based on whether the inhabitants of a house are away

or home, awake or asleep, the Nest Smart Thermostat adjusts thetemperature up or down In addition, the thermostat can bed via a smart phabilityuserswhen problems arise with their heating and/or cooling systemsYou can take this concept and apply it to other devices

Almostanything with an on/off switch and internet capabilities can utilize theT By not relying on human interaction, the loT can promotencreased efficiency and save energy On a large scale, this couldhave dramatic implications for things like healthcare andtransportation networks

story of the loe vision of intelligent, communicating devices was around evebefore the launch of the internet Some of the major milestones ofdevelopment are simply the growth of the internet and the way it hasevolved over the past several decadesA list of these milestones can be found here, but an overly basicsummary follows the evolution of the internet First, the internetconnected people to content

Then, it connected people to servicesater on, it connected people to people Now, it is connecting thingsto things(loT)e term loT was thought to be coined in 1999, by Kevin Ashtorduring a presentation for Procter Gamble Ashton, the executiveDirector of auto-ID Labs at mit, spoke about the idea of computerscapturing and sharing data without any help from humans He

explained how direct communication between devices would allowor increased efficiency and get rid of human limitationMachine to Machine solutions(M2M) is a subset of the loT

It isbasically a broad label used to describe technology that allowsnetworked devices to communicate and perform actions withoutmanual assistance from humans Machines talking to machines(things talking to thinssentially the foundation of the


cts on Consumers andSocietyConsumersAs a consumer, you may already have personal loT devices Newcars come preloaded with loT applications, and fitness trackers usethetell your friends how much you've been exercisingf you are less familiar with lot devices or simply wish to imagine aworld where all of your devices are connected and communicatingtake this for an exampleIt's Monday morning

A calendar on your phone prompts a bedsidelarm to go off at a certain hour This alarm is familiar with hmuch time it takes you to get ready for work, and by knowing yourroutine, it chooses an hour that will allow you adequate time toprepare

able of contentsntroduction7Aging in Place9he Internet of Things (loBasic Explanation of thestory of theImpacts on Consumers and SocietySocietyChallenges with the loFuture of the loSmart homes24What You can Do nowChange Your Routers PasswordKeep Programs Currentnvest in Computer Protection Softwarederstand the information your devices collectMonitor Connected devicesg and playrotection Matters

Measures Are Underways Not all badStaying SafeSmart home securitymprove Your Home Security Systemger Scanning DevicesVideo doorbellsMotion detectorsSecurity CamerasSmoke and CO MonitorsDoor and window sensorsocking and Unlocking Capaomework and Understand the deDevices, Software, and Websites to Amplify AgingPlace55Your Internet Running Slowly? Here's How to Quickly Fix YourWi-Fi Connectio58toacebook While Also Protecting your persenformation

5 Tips to Ensure You Have a positive Experience with Your Newebook accouSix Helpful Websites to Help Seniors Navigate Computers15 Best Smartphone Apps for SeniorsVideo chat Troubleshooting ExpertOverviewow to Digitize Your photos70to Connect Your Computer's Mouse, Keyboard, and Printer 73Smart TV-6 Tips for Better Understanding and Using YourFlatscreen75low to buy the perfect desktop computerree Essential Questions Every Tablet Shopper Should Ask

7ech Support for Aging in Place81echnical Support for Your Computer and Devices Saves YouTime and MoneyDiagnosing a Computer ProblemKeeping Up With Technical DevelopmentsThe Cost of professional Technical supportMyFastPC com Technical Support Packages


ntroductione are in a time that allows us to benefit greatly from technologyese benefits can be for all ages and types of people

Thtechnology can also be a double-edged sword as there are wayexpose your private and financial information to those that with toexploit, steal, or scamhe best way to benefit from technology is to understand the basicsSenior citizens can specifically take advantage of moderntechnology by using it to enrich their lives and, in keeping withgrowing trend, utilizing it to help them with Aging in Place Imagiordering your groceries with a device in your kitchen and having thesh groceries delivered that same daBut what is this Internet of Things that enables all these so-calledsmart devices? what is a smart home or even a smart device? How

do you protect your personal information and smart devicesconnected to your home internet? How do you behave while on thenternet?keto use technologplace? How do you deal with all these questions and keepyour head on straight?All these questions and more are answered below in our AgingPlace with Technology paper

Aging in PlaceAging in Place is becoming an everncreasingly popular topic among thosepreparing for or just entering retirementhy not live in a comfortable home and bendependent at this age? The US Centerfor disease control and preventiondefines aging in place as" the ability to liveone's own home and community safelyFigure 1 Jeff Sheldo an Unsplashndependently, and comfortably

regardless of age, income, or ability level" Aging in place includesbeing able to plan for your home, health care, finances, travel, andentertainment While making a plan for aging in place one has toconsider how technology can assist with this process How can asmart home be bfor those that want to age in place? What

is the role of smart home security and all devices connected to yournternet? How is a personal tech support team and its services parto understand this better one has to learn how all these devices thatamplify living at home are connected

This is what is referred to asthe Internet of Things(loT)