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How to Create Vibrant Smart Villages in the World

Water ManagementSmart technologies for Water use efficiencyGood water management practices will increaseyields, improve crop quality, conserve water, saveease fertilizer requirements, and reducenonpoint source pollution Information is mosttical to decide on exactwater requiredby a crop in a given climatic condition and for effetive design and management of irrigation systerat receives energy from one system andtransmit it to another, like physical variableo signal variable

Broadly defined, thesensor is a device which is capable of beingput from one orerating a related signals to one or moremission systems It provides a usable out

To make use of the information and commuion Technologies for infortheringdisseminationo establish a Decision Support System(DSS)fordata management, analysis and dissemination tovarious stakeholdersTo establishsystems for optisation of water with a focus on demand based andTo disseminate reports required by stakeholdersInitiatives on WueInformaticected usingments is less accurate; and may not represent thereal time situation as can be available for further useand analysis long after its collection There is, thusa need for developing an error free system with lessuman interference using mobile technology andThe system would have sensors, instrumengauges and devices for capturing real-time informion on stage and water flows, and stage and waterlevels all along the water distributor systems freurce to the field

On farm systems for monitoringthe water use in the fields would give assessmen water usage by the primary stakeholders Theemperature, relative humidity

moisture sensors would provide information ford field level activities In othet involves developing a comprehensivesystem for information collection and use to help inwater management decisionsinfothe canal network to thecerned officials, Identification of nodes in canalnetwork for installing sensors for monitoring waters Coltarology, soil, etc Conducted canal and on-farm wateruse efficiency studies

Water levels at various nodesded on daily basis Collected data froular basis Farmers and organisations are involved inweather, surface and ground water, soil and cropaspects for using down to distributaries, WUAs andControl centreoss the project area Gauge stations are calibratedbased on the hydraulic particulars of the cananformation is fed into DSS through online data baseInformation received is processed by system; and

s are generated to forecast flows and trendsSS calibrates physically based, numerical modelso better understand the waand foscenarios Software developed is usand disseminate information

Information(throughvisuals, SMS alerts, emails, etc)is sent to designatednd framersnformation is used for decision making or responding to emergency situation; operational management of water supply; operation of gates; andsatisfying agreements with neighbouring circlesCanal control systemlal control or hydraulic regulation describeslose steps necessary to ensure the required poolol is achieved by manipulation of the variableso obtain the desired canal system condital control methods include, algorithms with thenecessary interlinked operational steps focusing onD controller algorithmRelevant studies: Canal flow data will be used toes between givennd planning thematic studies (e g, Changing ofpping pattern, Crop yield assessment, Water

Monitoring the drinking water sources, storagelevels in the reirs and monitoring the usage png sensors Demand based drinking waterdistribution systems Adopting to the rainwaterUsing

sensors some of the important aspects moned are: soil moisture: wficwater level in the borewells

water flows in the canalsand channels, water drainage; and water qualityThe farmers could adopt the low-costture sensors in their fields The sensors installed atarious depths would make the farmers understandmoisturee farmerthe information received from the sensors enabledby gSm the data could be receivedThe RBC flumes at inlet and outlet points fittedith ultrasonic sensors will help in understandingwater utilised in a field This is for water manageThe Water Tubes fitted with ultrasonic sensorswill provide information of water level even at subsurface level They are needed especially in the paddythrough alternate wetting and drying methodCanal automation and irrigation scheduling based

n monitoring data are other aspects need to beadopted for achieving irrigation efficiencyTo increase the irrigation potential, the solarpowered motor pumps for the bore-wells were alsodemote and most deserving poorercommunities could access the offand improve their livelihoods

SAI BHASKAR REDDY NAKKAHow to create vibrantSmart Villages in the World

Bhaskar Reddy Nakka asserts the moral rightto be identified as the author of this workai bhaskar Reddy Nakka has no responsibilityce or accuracy of URLs for external orthird-party Internet Websites referred to in thipublication and does not guarantee that anycontent on such Websites is, or will remainaccurate or appropriateThis is a concept document on the issue of makinglages and communities smart

nformation presented in this book is declared asOpen Knowledge, except the photos andnformation referenced from other sources andacknowledged in the book Contact:saibhaskarnakka@gmailcomedsyFind out more at reeds

ContentsIntroductionaturalWater managementSoil ManagementWeather and Climate ChangePhysicalVertical GardenSewagigationRootigation and SapigatiorLED Crop580279564Urban integrated farm

Living HabitatsSmartge systemsNon-conventional and renewable energyIT enabled decision supportLearningRural servicesIv FinancialInstitutional suppv SocialHealth servi73Healthy Kitchens by Farmersvi Innovative initiativesSchool Labs as facilitating hulReference

Smart village is the most decentralized system whrould empower people to efficiently use various sevices and systems Enable communities to addressle challenges in their respectivedaily life Accessing and using technologies in theirrespective work makes a person smart

thestakeholders in the villageswho manage their livelihoods through mitigation,adaptation or through traditional sustainable pracare adopted by the farmers in ruralIn a smart village, people use technologies, adoptologies and are innovative Teduce the hard- work of farmers and have a bettechance to reduce vulnerabilities in the present sceWith increased mobile smartphonescess to cheap broadband internet cothere are many possibilities for smarte nave access

o information and are also able to communicateEspecially in the farming sector, the factors andthe associated uncertainties are more The decisionmaking is based on the controlled and uncontrolledfactors

Understanding the uncontrolled factorsthe smartnessThe monisystems are becorcheData processinge task whereArtificialbasedsystems are being developed Although initially, thesupport systemsbe discrete, overriod there is a need to integrate the systems foraggregate decision makingWorking hard with smartness empowers ple and communities towards sustainable
