Turns out they forged their reportsat?” Her voice gr a notcappropriated about 90% of the budgetThe astronaut hung speechlessAfter that dhe fbi buttedThey really are thorough at investigatingThey should beThey even questioned meStop procrastinating Who stole the fucking money? She never cursedThis was a special occasionThe FBi arrested about a hundred people, Their sleuthing also led straight to the head of nasaGrimly, "I hope they still have her when I get backer face turned red
"Don t tell meShe's also nowhere to be found“ UnbelievableAccording to witnesses, she and all managers were picked up in black vansIck vans? you don't mean?Yes, picked up and deported by presidential orderid they ask the president why'*Well about thatShe stared numbly now She had thought nothing more would shock herhe's gone tooSecond part
Leana had worked for years First she turned her dream of becoming an astronaut into reality,enduring the gruelling training programme Then she got herself selected for the first mission toMars and, finally, she was parttuallyhadMurdered by their own president's greed He had not been content with just a few millions or evenbillions He had taken all butgh to launch a skeleton ship ablech mars, polisheddramatically for the cameras Despite looking the part, it was a miracle the crew transport evenlaunched at all From the awkward pauses from mission control she gathered that, by all rightshould have crashed then and there with everyone in it It did not make much of a difference for herdied duhat explopport Ironically, she herselflourish thanks to them not using up the supplies, which would have been insufficient for a fuHer dreams had turned into a stea
She stared down Mars! The first leg of the journey was done shehad done well to keep this wreck going so far Getting back home would be tough, but she andmIssIotrol were confident that, barring any external disasters, she would make it Pity abouhe fuel situatioThe news from Earth was not good When the scandal became known, sentiment had turned againstpace trresetable future manned space missions, let alone a Mars one, wereShe kept looking at the red planettelemetry indicates a go Fire up the engines at five minutes le odate before your return blast Almessage arrived from mission control " This is theI been forcedbble together some manual controls Most computers had broken downmoney for the shielding wentFour minutes from receof the signalThe ship itself did not have enough fuel, so she would have to use the lander's for those orbitalnoeuvres a few carefully timed blasts and Mars gravity would be swinging her back in no timeThree minutes from reception of the next signa
Again, a beepStill staring at the red globe the destination of her dnreachabShe had made her deew days ago, after carefully checking the calcus
She hadmodified them where neededBeepThe hatch was sealed with the press of a button the lander, with her in it, detached Time seemedslow down, what was keeping that signal?last leg of her journey had begun She would walk on the surface ofMars after all井#